NOTICE: we will close at 3pm on tuesday december 24th for the holiday period.
NOTICE: we will close at 3pm on tuesday december 24th for the holiday period.
The most common categories of patient safety incident reports are:
If you report an incident, we will investigate it and then provide you with a response and an explanation of any action we propose to take.
Depending on the severity of the issues you report, we may pass them to the department responsible and keep you informed with what is happening. Wherever possible, we will try to hold local liaison meetings to improve the working relationship we have with health and social care colleagues to increase understanding of our respective roles and practices. Our local ambulance operations manager or a member of the local management team will usually lead these meetings.
NSN Scotland is an early adopter of the new national Patient Safety Incident Response Framework (PSIRF). The framework sets out how we will learn from patient safety incidents to keep improving the quality and safety of the care we provide. Its aims were coproduced nationally with people who use services, their families and staff.
The framework is made up of two elements – national guidance which sets priorities which must be investigated in depth, and a local plan, which has been developed by our Trust and details additional incidents for investigation. Our plan details how we should respond to incidents and how and when investigations should be carried out.
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